Byte & Floppy Computers
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Welcome to Byte & Floppy Computers in San Diego, CA. We specialize in providing top of the line computer solutions to the public as well as corporate, education, government agencies. Established in 1984, Byte & Floppy has been providing customers throughout the U.S. with excellent service, support, and pricing. We are here to help! 1-800-331-4501 ext. 187.

Notebook and Laptop PC - for personal or business

Laptop and Notebook PC (design your own system for your home or office)

Buy one of our systems and customize it to fit your specific needs.

The Winstation 3000 desktop -- This powerful system, with Intel Pentium 4 processors starting at 1.3GHz, speeds you up to the highest level of performance. Customize it to your specifications.

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